Thursday, August 26, 2004
Just info..aku dapat informasi ni dari artikel oleh Washington Post mengenai Islam di Malaysia...mmmmm..memang kurang ajar..
Rasanya panas now, pasal cerita "Passion Of The Chris", oleh Mel Gibson hanya diboleh ditonton oleh Orang Kristian sahaja di, banyak pihak marah....
(padahal leh je beli VCD cetak rompak cerita ni yang dah lama ada kat malaysia)
Malaysia's Muslims have 'no way out'
By Ioannis Gatsiounis
JOHOR BAHRU, Malaysia — In multiethnic Malaysia, where Islam is the official religion but freedom of religion is guaranteed under the constitution, the majority Malays are born Muslim and apostasy is all but impossible for them. Cases of aspiring apostates are handled by Shariah courts, rather than civil courts. According to the Koran, apostasy is grounds for death, and no Muslim should assist another out of the religion. So the appeals usually sit, and sit. Many would-be apostates don't live to see their conversion officially recognized.
Some have been jailed. As one religious scholar put it, "In Malaysia, there's a way into Islam, but no way out."
Although proselytizing of Muslims by non-Muslims is forbidden, the reverse is permissible. Proselytizers have been sent to jail under the Internal Security Act (ISA), which allows for indefinite detention without trial. Hands off our Muslims, who make up 60 percent of the population, the Malay-led government appears to be saying.
The government is especially worried about Christian proselytizing, said Shad Salem Faruq, professor of law at the University of Technology MARA. Malaysia is home to substantial Hindu and Buddhist minorities, 6 and 20 percent respectively. "But Hinduism and Buddhism historically have had less of a tradition of proselytizing than Christianity," he said.
It is illegal to print the Bible and other Christian materials in the national language, Bahasa Malay. Some states restrict the use of certain religious terms by Christians in the Malay language, lest Muslims be confused.
Yet, despite the obstacles, some Christian proselytizers are busy. The Rev. Kumar — not his real name — recalls the religious police rattling his front gate in the middle of the night. The warning was clear.
"But I am not afraid," Mr. Kumar said. "My work is God's will and I have a worthy cause to fight for. [Malays] have a right to find Jesus."
His evangelical church has 12 branches throughout Malaysia and 30 affiliates, and Mr. Kumar estimates that 100 Muslims are converting to Christianity every month in the country. He said there has been a marked increase in interest in the past three years, since the September 11 attacks in the United States. A royal family and the daughter of a former prime minister are among his list of converts.
Christian groups estimate that there are 30,000 Malay converts in the country. Some Muslim groups say the figure is much lower. However, nondenominational observers say most converts live in secrecy for fear of harassment from the government, family and fellow Malays.
One Malay convert and former ustaza, a Muslim religious teacher, reports that she and her family are harassed regularly by the authorities. Because she is Malay, her son was born a Muslim and forced to adopt a Muslim name. In school, despite his protests of being a Christian, he has to sit through Islamic studies, a requirement for all Muslims. Last year, the religious police demanded that she stop her "activities," which included helping drug addicts and battered women.
She conceded, though, that part of the assistance involved introducing Malays to Christian doctrine. She recalled parking herself at a McDonald's wearing a Muslim head scarf to more effectively introduce Muslim schoolgirls to the Bible.
In Kuala Lumpur, boys who are a part of Mr. Kumar's proselytizing movement frequent mosques. Christians reputedly also have resorted to sponsoring picnics for Malay children and offering them gifts. In the cramped lobby of Mr. Kumar's headquarters, a magazine headline reads: "Storming the Enemy's Stronghold."
The first paragraph explains, "Within the 10/40 window," referring to the area stretching roughly from the Middle East through India, China and into Southeast Asia, "lie 62 of the least evangelized nations on this planet." The area is viewed by some zealots as the last stronghold preventing Christian global dominance.
One is left to wonder, is the government rightfully fearful or just plain paranoid? What is seen by some as an issue of freedom of religion is viewed by others as an abuse of freedom. "You can talk about your religion freely, just don't try to convert," said Azizuddin Ahmad, secretary-general of the Muslim Youth Group of Malaysia (ABIM).
He said many apostates were led astray from Islam not by the virtue of the faith they were converting to but the concept of freedom. In Malaysia, Muslims are bound by certain laws, such as on alcohol consumption, sexual relations and marriage, that non-Muslims are not. Certain states are known to enforce these laws more than others.
Muslims also get preferential treatment. The U.S. government's International Religious Freedom Report for 2003 said, "It is official policy to 'infuse Islamic values' into the administration of the country."
Indeed, the new Islamic-themed administrative capital houses a prominent mosque but no other place of worship. And non-Muslims report difficulties in obtaining licensing and state funding for their places of worship.
Malaysia has become increasingly Islamized since the early 80s — inspired first by the Iranian Revolution and by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's charismatic deputy Anwar Ibrahim, who founded ABIM and joined the country's most powerful political party, the United Malays National Organization, in the 1980s. Malaysia was further Islamized by government attempts to out-Islamize the hard-line Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS). PAS made substantial progress in 1999 parliamentary elections but suffered in its rematch with the National Front in March.
The tide of these developments may pose challenges for non-Muslims and apostates, "but they are not paralyzing," said lawyer Lee Min Choon, adding that the government's religion policy generally is conducted with the best of intentions.
"The government doesn't have a program to create difficulties for other religions. They want peace for all religions," he said. This is not an easy task. Non-Muslims grumble of "Malay/Muslim bias." But the government can't afford to be seen as anti-Muslim.
The government has appeased the various communities enough to prevent large-scale race- and religion-fueled violence — though at the expense of respect, interest and meaningful interaction among the communities. Race and religion are taboo subjects, and there's a lot of pent-up rage. At the same time, the government's policy — including banning a procession in at least one instance because it conflicted with Muslim prayer time — is prompting anger.
"These gestures are causing some hard feelings," said an assistant to Mr. Kumar. Proselytizers of any stripe tend to feel justified in their actions, rationalizing them as a form of salvation, leading the astray from darkness. But Mr. Kumar will be hard-pressed to convince most Muslims here of the superiority of his faith, just as most Muslims here find little success in converting Christians.
Yet, it's an undertaking that the zealous don't tire of, even though it rarely leads anywhere, other than to trigger fear and resentment. Dzulkifli Achmad, director of the research center of PAS, is concerned about the net effect. "I used to seek to convert, but I no longer have the drive," Mr. Achmad said. "When you think of the unique fabric of this society, it is in our interest to enhance mutual respect ... proselytizing is a form of disrespect. It is the beginning of the conflict." Some Muslim and non-Muslim leaders say the government could be doing more to improve dialogue and understanding among the faiths.
It has, for instance, denied permits for several interfaith dialogues. And when Mel Gibson's film "The Passion of the Christ" arrives here soon, only Christians will be able to view it. Non-Christians will be weeded out in the ticket line on the basis of their national ID cards, which states one's religion. Nora Murah, a legal officer with Sisters in Islam, says the decision contradicts the prophet Muhammad's teachings. "The prophet embraced diversity and inclusiveness," she said.
No2 : Artikel diilhamkan dari Roslan blog
Keratan akhbar The Star 19 Ogos yang memberitakan 20 artis termasuk yang beragama Islam merasmikan majlis perasmian Champagne (arak) Piper-Peidsieck..Maaf kalau aku tersalah faham artikel tu ke..rasanya2 begitu la maksudnya..
Sunday, August 22, 2004
Assalamualaikum..dah lama tak update panjang kan..
Ni aku ambik sekejap masa sibuk aku untuk update blog aku..
1)Blog Cantik??
1)Sekali aku tgk blog aku nie...pening gak....macam buruk lak design dia...:))..nanti kalau dah free, leh buat cantik-cantik ye...bersabar ye..
2)Kualiti Kedai Makanan Di Tempat Anda? Buruk ?? Baik??
2) Teruk....2 kedai aku nak komen kat sini
A) Kedai J** C*F*..
Kedai ni makanan dia boleh la tahan...cuma masalahnya,
-Cashier dia kekadang takda kat tempat cashier ...kena tunggu dia datang..
-Cashier tak tetap harga..cashier yang sama, makanan yang sama, hari lain, harga lain...pelik kan ??
-Dia tak senyum...takda good manners.....tak senyum, tak kata "Terima Kasih"...macam dia tak kisah kita makan kat kedai dia pun..
-Last paling boring...Kedekut betul dengan TISU!!!....bayar je...tak letak tisu kat meja ka, kat tempat cashier ka....dia simpan dalam laci duit dia..!!!!....Lepas bayar...kalau tak minta tisu, memang dia tak bagi!!!..Memang kedekut.....(terasa nak buka kedai tisu depan kedai dia, iye la...nanti pelanggan lain nak masuk je kedai, kata "Abangg..mai beli tisu..kedai tu takda tisu...."....kekekekekek )
B) Gerai *********************
Gerai ini favourite aku....cuma masalahnya, sekali tu, pembantu dia, tukang ambik nasi..dia ambik pinggan, tak lap pun pinggan tu....terus cedok nasi...
Mai time aku...dia tak lap , masa tu aku ternampak something kat pinggan tu, tak sempat alert akak tu...pastu dia bubuh nasi....aku suruh buang sket....banyak sangat..
then bila dia bagi kat aku pinggan berisi nasik tu..aku belek belek.....ada KAKI LIPAS !!!!!!!!!! Errkkkk..terus aku tunjuk kat akak tu...dia ngan selamba, ambik pinggan lain, dan cedok nasi balik (ada yang dari nasik yang dia buang sket dari pinggan aku)..
Bila dia dah isi nasi, tetiba dia tgk nasi dalam pinggan tu..ada kaki lipas tadi!!!! (dari pinggan aku)..dia just buang nasi sket..then bagi kat aku!!!...tension..terus aku tak sentuh nasi tu....
3)Malaysian Idol..
3) Dah tinggal 10 orang....jumaat lalu and ulangan hari ini, dan resultnya malam ini di 8TV...terfikir beberapa senario
A) Kalau tinggal JAC and DINA/VIC....and kalau DINA?VIC menang...adakah depa akan kata , RACISM????.....
Sepatutnya JAC menang pasal bakatnya yang power..??? Penonton Bodoh???
Kalau semua fikir cam tu..tak yah buat pertandingan la..biar JAC tu terus menang....kan senang kan????
Ini ada pertandingan, kena la terima results, walaupun apa-apa pun....
B) Kenapa 8TV or TV3 tak jemput peserta - peserta yang kalah masuk MHI selasa pagi??Ala-ala cadangan aku untuk Explorace yang berasal dari Early Show di CBS yang jemput peserta Survivor yang divote out pada malam sebelumnnya...kan bagus tu..leh depa nyanyi sekali....(kalau ada dibuat, maaf ye..aku tak sempat tgk mhi sekarang pasal sibuk)...
4)Sambungan Part 3 : Tips Mengenai Panggilan Voucher/Hadiah Free, Tapi Kena Dengar Ceramah, Part 3
3)Step 3 : Dah sampai ke Pusat Penerangan/Pengambilan Voucher PERCUMA...
tetapi sebelum tu, kena prepare beberapa perkara... A) Kena fikir satu perkara yang akan jadi Excuse untuk kita lari kalau penerangan produk lebih dari masa yang ditetapkan.. ni....kan mereka dah tetapkan...kalau nak dapat voucher/hadiah free, kena dengar penerangan mereka dulu dalam 1/2 jam or 45 minit, or 1 jam or, sepatutnya penerangan mereka adalah sekadar masa yang ditetapkan dan terus dapat voucher free..
tapi...kekadang....or selalunya.....penerangan yang sepatutnya 45 min/1 jam...jadi beberapa jam pasal mereka ini tak putus asa nak persuade kita nak join produk mereka...
Maka, perlu ada satu EXCUSE..untuk mengatasi masalah ini...EXCUSE yang akan menyelamatkan anda dari ditahan di situ lebih dari masa yang ditetapkan...kalau boleh alasan tu, yang
"Ooo..kami kena balik rumah la...terlupa nak kunci rumah..."
"Kami sanggup tunggu 1 jam je..pasal kami tinggalkan baby kami kat babysitter, babysitter sanggup jaga 1 jam je...maklumla , cuti kan...
B) Bila dah sampai kat situ dan berjumpa dengan wakil penerangan mereka..terus inform mereka tentang perkara diatas ni..(A)...pasal kalau tak inform mereka...mereka mungkin akan melepasi masa yang, kalau inform...mereka akan alert, then harap-harap akan mempercepatkan penerangan mereka, dan juga tidak akan melepasi masa yang ditetapkan....
dan juga, kalau kita dah inform 1 jam je boleh tunggu.....then terus set masa, bila boleh
"Kami kan hanya satu jam sahaja kat, masa yang kita patut berhenti adalah 1 jam dari sekarang kan??, 2petang, so, sepatutnya habis 3 petang kan?..."
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Sorry because long not updating this week i will update about the tips..;)
Now in Malaysia, children hot with it been a hot item .. why?..because now , in NTV7, saturday/sunday, they have a japanase cartoon named Super YoYo...which the lead character named Shunichi try to beat and be the Best of YoYo Champion...
Plus with Audrey Yoyo item again....
That's all.....wassalam..
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Short note only..
1)Life Now..
2)What had happened last weekend.
3) Why I am what I am now (beri makan part).
1)Life Now..
Life now..don't know what to say..-I have to solve other people task due to a change in the program. Why I have to do it?..Because it related to my other task, so, the default(according to my superior) is me!...Not others!..I am not asking other person or human to do it for me..pleeeasseee...don't main tuduh-tuduh...When I change the structure, for sure I am responsible for it, and why, because I want to do it, I have to do, that why I just told one person only about the structure changes..not others...because I think other is not related because that is my RESPONSIBILITY..
-Why I been harsh above?..because I have other tasks..many task that I dont finished yet!!! I very slow right now....really need to find solution for it....
-After saying that, I somehow felt regret because I don't accept THE OFFER!!!....The great offer to save me from this pit, this dungeon..."My wife sure gelak-gelak now...memang dah perangai aku cam nie....suka minta, and dapat, then tolak...."....that's me...slowly changing it, my dear....believe me...lov u...thanks to bear with my 'bad' attitude....lov u so much....:*
-So, now, just sedang kutip my self...and then, will think again what the next step....always pray to Allah to save me from any problem..Aminnnnn.....
2)What had happened last weekend.
Last week???....First, Got a good news......
Then, Don't get the money yet...all morning plan cancelled.
After that, My lovely wife mengamuk depan orang!!...Because 3.40pm dont eat lunch first! I'm busying shopping in SOGO....hahahahhaha..A MAN? Shopping?...kekekeke
Then, my wife ok again..thanks my love...But, My WALLET MISSING!!!....A hundred ringgit in the wallet....waaaaaaaaaaaa...:((
After that, all the other shopping plan cancelled again....for the second time.
That night, Blackout in our house...!!!..only in our house only!!..Because some wire in the power box are 'weng'.......
Thinking about all of that..maybe there's a reasons for all of that....
3) Why I am what I am now (beri makan part).
Actually, i want to tell you a story why i am what i am right now....for sure, my love always tertanya-tanya..why her husband like to jamu orang to belanja to belanja parent...maybe my collegues in the office sometimes thinks, why he sometimes buys food/thing to eat for, just a short note..nanti2 tulis balik...
Phase 1 (Young Years till Sekolah Menengah Rendah)
-Masa ni tinggal dengan parent.
-Terasa kepayahan/kesusahan/their suffering....sanggup bagi anak makan, belanja and mereka tak belanja..
-mereka sanggup bayar for anak2, and mereka sanggup berhutang for that..
-but they don't mengeluh, mengerang, bersedih..still happy...
Phase 2 (Sekolah Menengah Tinggi N Form 6 )
-Because of phase 1, make me tak suka beli apa-apa yang membazir..tak suka kacau parent..
-tak suka minta duit kat parent...sehinggakan kakak pelik, why si adik nie taknak minta duit kat parent walaupun dah sesak gilar....(after dia tinggal ngan parent lepas tu,baru dia tau gak apa yang aku, sampai now, dia suka tolong parent aku...:D....thanks sis...)
-Salah satu sebab jadi a bit stingy...kedekut..pasal tak suka beli apa..and kalau parent bagi makanan bawak ke asrama, simpan sorang-sorang, makan sorang-sorang, sampai makanan tu busuk pasal tak habis...<---teruk kan!!!
-Salah satu sebab pakaian biasa je, ala kadar je....and salah satu sebab, tak join bebudak gi outing, fly....pasal kalau fly, kena guna, takda la aktiviti apa pun.....
-Rumusan phase 2, memang teruk masa nie!!!!
Phase 3 (Matrik)...
-Masa ni, my dear......I been send to Malaysian Timur...without many money!!
-I bawak jugak perangai Phase 2...stingy, tak suka belanja...kalau orang belanja , ok je...:D..
-And ada berkawan baik dengan beberapa orang kawan...and sometimes, kalau aku rasa lapar, and tak de duit..(pasal jimat gila)...kawan-kawan aku ni belanja aku.....belanja aku....
-But, when the mid term holiday came, and because I got any money/sponsor from our sponsor, and because I reject my family idea to give money to me to fly back to home for the holiday (where will they get the money??), I decided for the first time in my life, will spend the holidays with my good friends.....2 week in my first friend, 1 week in my second friend, 1 week in my third friend, and will be ended....little I know that the trip will make me see the world others way....
-What I got from the stay?..many....i will write them later....but now, just one...
-You all remember...the above sentences,
"-And ada berkawan baik dengan beberapa orang kawan...and sometimes, kalau aku rasa lapar, and tak de duit..(pasal jimat gila)...kawan-kawan aku ni belanja aku.....belanja aku...."
That same friends, that i stay with them for the holidays....I discovered that THEY ARE POORER than of them , are the 1st son from 10 siblings..and they living in a rumah Kuarters Pertanian that are very small for a 10 + 2 people in it....believe IT...
And I also stayed with him and the family...(but, because I planned to stay there 1 week, he brings me and 2 his little brothers to his village, to live with their grandmother..that is no letrik at all..or have letrik, but kena jimat gila-gila...pasal orang kampung kan...mana ada duit.....
And he also have problem with the school fees..(ofcourse, he the 1st, and supposed to be helping his father burden)....and at last, he don't continue to University because of the same reason...
-Why I highlight my friend story here?..Because..HE IS THE ONE among some of my friend, that tak lokek, not care about his money to BELANJA Me, Spend some money to buy me food..!!!...He poorer, susah than ME , yet He BELANJA ME???....Something wrong somewhere here........the same experience I felt in my other 2 friends that let me stayed in their house....more poorer/susah than me, yet happy...
-After that, my view changed..
Phase 4 (U and now..)
Now, I feel happy to make others happy..I like to jamu orang kalau ada rezeki lebih...:).. I like to beli makanan and bagi orang makan if I have the time...tak kisah dengan keropok ke, dengan makan tengahari ke, malam ke, ajak orang datang rumah ke...but bergantung kepada budjet la kan..:)...
And you know, kalau belanja orang, paling bagus keluarga kita sendiri..kita dapat keberkatan, and Allah akan ganti balik apa yang kita belanjakan...dapat pahala lagi..then mereka akan doa kat kita..then dapat pahala lagi...Semoga kita semua berada dalam keberkatan Allah sentiasa ....Aminnnnnnnn....
That's all..dah banyak gila dah nie..kata sket je...nak sambung keje...wassalam....Lov u my love....